Friday, October 7, 2011

New Material!!

'Heroes of Olympus: Son of Neptune' by Rick Riordan has just arrived yesterday on my doorstep, so I will review it very soon!  I used Amazon, and the service was great. The book came nicely packaged, well protected and was easy to open. I also didn't have to pay a penny in postage, so that was brilliant! I would recommend them for book deliveries.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Just in Case You Don't Know

Just in Case was a real-eye opener for me as far as powerful and haunting books are concerned.  I had read Meg Rosoff's first book, 'How I Live Now' and really enjoyed it since it was a new type of genre that I hadn't explored before. Because it was so good I decided to ask PageWorm Book Club whether we could read Rosoff's next book, 'Just in Case'. It was accepted and became our reader.

'Just in Case', 'odded' me out in many ways. I can't say I particularly liked it either but there were some parts that just completely mystified me. One was the charcters, Peter was very well thought out but I think he lacked personality and structure as far as feelings. The character of Agnes seemed very random to me and her personally morphed as the book went on. The concept of the dog, 'Boy', confused me as I was not sure what his purpose in the book was. After critizing the characters, I felt that Justin's feelings of insecurity were described to the extent that you could feel his pain which I thought was very clever.

The choice of words for the setting of Peter's bedroom were very descriptive and made the room very real in my mind's eye. On a different note, Justin's parents didn't seem to particularly mind about his change of style etc. and turned rather a blind eye.

Overall, I don't think that this book was for me and it made me feel strange whilst reading. I liked the concept of the book but Rosoff did not deliver it in a way that suited me.