Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Future

This has been a very difficult post to make myself write but I know that it is the right thing to do. You may have noticed (or not!) that I have been very inactive over the past couple of months, on Twitter and on WMLOB. This is because I have had so much work to do and have been realising that actually I cannot keep it up and run my blog in the way that it deserves, and more importantly give those that I am reviewing for, the reviews that they deserve.

It is therefore with deep sadness that I have decided to lay WMLOB dormant for a while until I am ready to pick up the pen again. I understand that many of you may be waiting on reviews from me and for that I apologise profusely, but unfortunately I don't have the time with my current commitments to complete them to a standard which I would be happy with.

I wish you all the very best in your literary adventures and I would love to be kept up to date with all that you get up to!

Thank you for your support and time,

I hope to be back soon!

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